Practical information

Opening hours

The school is open from 8am to 4pm.


The school office is open from 7:45am to 3pm.


Rimaskóli promotes health, so students should bring healthy snacks to school. A healthy snack can include a sandwich with nutritious toppings. Please avoid disposable packaging. The school is working on green initiatives and aims to minimize waste. Students should bring refillable water bottles for use throughout the day.

Teenagers can get free hot oatmeal during morning breaks.

Phone use

Rimaskóli is a phone-free school. Students in grades 1-7 should not use phones in the school, on the playground, in the gymnasium, locker rooms or swimming pool. Students in grades 8-10 should not use phones in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, locker rooms, swimming pool and gymnasium. We ask parents to help by monitoring their child's Mentor entries. After five unauthorized phone use entries, we'll schedule a morning meeting with the parent, student and administrators to discuss the issue and create an action plan. It's simplest to keep the phone at home if the child can't manage phone use during school hours.